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(2004 - 2018)

  • Data Science Specialization The Johns Hopkins University
  • ITIL Operational Support and Analysis (ITIL-OSA) OGC Global
  • Machine LearningMachine Learning Stratford University
  • PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)PMI  Project Management Institute
  • Project+ CompTIA
  • Tibco Spotfire AnalystTIBCO



Chief Executive Officer

DBITS LT · 2007-Full-time  Lithuania Vilnius 

Dbits, Inc provides end-to-end solutions in the areas of Business Intelligence, Web Technologies and ERP; we are a Lithuanian leader in the Business Intelligence, services market helping our clients solve high-performance "big-data" problems rooted in massive data volumes with complex information needs. Our team of Solution leaders brings to bear years of experience helping our client's progress through their technical, knowledge management and directional challenges.

BI analyst PMO

STCO Riga (2005 - 2007)

C.T.Co is a Riga based big (300 empl.) software Development Company. CTCO is a subsidiary of Com Tec Co Services SARL, based in Luxembourg. C.T.Co is the dedicated R&D arm of Com Tec Co. C.T.Co supports several financial institutions and Internet payment systems. My duties are to be between client (reinsuring companies) and software developer groups. I have to analyze business needs and requirements and produce suitable documentation, provide interviews with clients and manage software implementation in client business. Also my duties are to consult in implementation ISO 9001 Quality Management System and CMMI 4 quality standard in company internal infrastructure.


interlogic  (2000 - 2005)

apanese company INTERLOGICS: The company has created and distributes a WEB application commerce product Net symphony (WEB application server and dynamic WEB script, akin to Cold Fusion or BroadVision). The product is sold mostly on Japanese market. The system works on Sun Solaris, WEB Server Apache, database Oracle. Also, the company creates E-commerce solutions for corporations. I worked as a senior programmer in the WEB department. In January 2002 I organized a subsidiary office of the company in Vilnius and managed it since.
I have designed and lead the realization of the following commercial packages based on our WEB application Server:

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